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Birchwood Campsite in Dorset


For Step 4 from 19th July 2021


Having considered the Government guidance for step 4 and the current infection numbers, we still feel it best that some measures remain in place as we need to help continue to protect customers and staff on the Park. Therefore in practical terms not too much will change on Monday 19th July 2021. This will be reviewed regularly.



Please DO NOT travel to the Park if you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms, is self-isolating, or has recently tested positive for COVID-19. If you have any symptoms, however mild, stay at home.  


If you are no longer able to come for your holiday, please contact us to let us know as soon as possible.

Booking and refund terms are on our website:



Do not travel without a Booking reference (BW/…./…..). For touring pitches, please pre-book 5 days in advance if possible.


A few days before arrival, touring bookings will be emailed pre-arrival information and a booking confirmation with a link to click on for final payment. Please ignore the payment due date on the letter, due to covid we will accept payment a few days before or on arrival due to the possibility of the situation changing. We accept card and cash.

Please advise us by phone or email of your estimated arrival time and vehicle registration/s to help us at check in.



To help support NHS Test and Trace and reduce the spread of the virus if you wish to check in on the QR poster it is still displayed in the poster box outside the shop and in the shop/reception. If you choose to scan the QR code please scan on every day of your stay. If you wish to check in but do not have the app please ask for our paper form.



The more people you have interactions with, the more chance the virus has to spread. The risk of transmission is higher indoors, so you should take extra care to ventilate indoor areas.

Please do not invite or entertain visitors at the Park. No Visitors are permitted on the Park. While cases continue to rise in the area and the Park is at full capacity we have decided not to allow additional people onto the Park. This is to help reduce exposure to our staff, family and customers and to be able to help control use of the facilities. This will be reviewed regularly.


The government guidance: “Although face coverings are no longer required by law, but the government expects and recommends that people should continue to wear them in crowded and enclosed settings, to protect themselves and others. Where worn correctly, this can reduce the risk of transmission.”



Shop OPEN. Max limits of people at a time. Please queue outside and allow people to exit. Children must be supervised. We politely ask that you please wear a face covering. Please use hand sanitiser prior to entry. Please bring your own shopping bag/s. Opening hours on the door.

Open Toilet/ Shower blocks & washing up sinks – We still strongly recommend using your own facilities wherever possible.

  • A ‘Fogging’ machine will be used at any time of the day without warning. No entry is allowed during this time.

  • There will be no public access when the wash blocks are being cleaned. Please use the other block.

  • Children must be supervised at all time by a responsible adult from their household/ pitch.

  • Please leave facilities clean after use.

  • Please minimise the time spent in the wash blocks and do not leave personal items unattended.

  • Be considerate to others and do not overcrowd the space. Please use other block or queue to allow others to leave.

  • Wash your hands before leaving. Hand driers are on, but we recommend you bring your own towel to dry your hands.

  • Please bring a waterproof carrier bag for belongings/ towel in & hang on the back of the door to keep your things dry.

  • ALWAYS close the toilet lid BEFORE flushing the toilet.

  • Windows will be open for ventilation. Please do not close the windows/ doors.

Open Play area & Swings & Sandpit

Outside Children’s Paddling Pool (opening from end May bank holiday weekend to August Bank holiday weekend) weather and safety permitting. The pool is 2 foot deep, unheated and unsupervised. Use hand sanitiser provided at entry and exit. Seating is provided for parental/ guardian supervision - required at all times. Maximum limits may be introduced for safety.


At any time we reserve the right to close any of the facilities (without warning)


The barrier closes overnight from 10pm until 7am. No overnight vehicular access, except in an emergency. Please contact on-call duty warden by the barriers in an emergency.


Please be patient and kind to our staff and each other. We are all doing the very best we can under the circumstances. We hope you can enjoy your stay with us despite the changes. If you have any concerns or comments please speak to a member of staff.


Please continue to follow the key behaviours:

  • HANDS - Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds with soap and water or use hand sanitiser.

  • FACE – We recommend you wear a face covering indoors, and if in crowded areas or contact with people you do not normally meet.

  • SPACE – Socially distance. Stay 2 or 1m+ metres apart from people you do not live with where possible.

  • VENTILATION – keep fresh air flowing indoors

FOLLOW THE GROUP GATHERING LIMITS at the time of your stay, check the legal limits on group sizes. 


These rules and information are under constant review and maybe updated at short notice following Government legislation or guidance.

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